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Richard loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top of his pinpoint Oxford shirt as the commuter train slowly approached the station. When the home office instructed me to lay off five of our least productive employees, I called a meeting to inform every one of the plans of the company. She dialed and listened to the purr of the ringing tone for a few seconds. You ran your finger up and down my anal sex and cumshots pussy, down to my ass, each time lubricating it more and more. at the same time, my cock was throbbing viciously in her tight confines, and the pleasure surged through my body. NOTE: This story contains some darker elements including rougher sex and the pretence of non-consensual sex. She paused only a second before continuing to up the ante in their game of bleeding and anal sex poker. My hand smeared a little bit onto the side of her cheeks aspergers and anal sex making its way into her mouth. I do eventually let my panties fall off my hips and slide down my silky legs. She moved away hard core anal sex and masturbation his ass briefly, lapping at his taint and tight balls while keeping him trapped in her eyes. All characters mentioned herein that participate in sexual activities are adults 18 years of age or older. ——— Bzzzzt!