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Then I heard my wife start to speak from the room next to me. Soon she had an orgasm and invited all the other ladies to take turns. As they slid back into the car, both were thinking about the next 16 hours they still had together. She removed her hand, licked her fingers and college reunion gangbang him to taste herself as well. “I can feel myself in your ass, through your pussy” he moaned, she simply fucked his cock as hard as she could. I sighed and nestled up against Bobby, thinking, tuning Sara out it wasnt hard. She wouldnt understand if he behaved this way: she was eighteen, but so innocent in so many ways… Err, im sorry, i didnt mean to stare but – She bent over slightly, she knew anyone behind her could have a nice view of her ass, and she brought her hands underneath her breasts to allow him a better look, I want you to stare. Todd was still passed out/puking college locker room men sex stories but I was ignoring that for now. Not knowing what else to say, I looked at him as if he was crazy. He soon began to come, accompanied college locker room nude men a series of loud groans. I can feel Ambers hand find my cock and slide it through her lubed up crack settling my head in her college locker room women naked