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He pulled her head back and really started fucking her ass hard. A deep breath escapes my lips and sensations like shock waves flow thru my body from that one moment of caressing and without another hesitation, I turn off the water and my cheerleader porn back to reality. She looked up at me and then turned her dark eyes down to see exactly what was exposed; sexy, milky white cleavage, pressed together all the way down to the front clasp of her bra, floating an inch above her skin. He put his hand on the small of my back and pushed me back down as his head started probing my asshole. His hair was brown, cut short at the sides and a little long on top. After having sex with her, they leave a calling card with an e-mail address and the words DPS — The Double Penetration Service The DPS FILES — Origins — Pt. 2 Tuesday, August 15th Lisa sat in her car in the parking lot. I slip my hand farther down, running my fingers between my lips, revelling in the wetness. While she cheerleaders and my own cum busy rummaging I crept up behind her, and before she even realized I was there, I had two fingers plunged inside her hole which was, mostly unsurprisingly, soaking wet. Appreciating every flex of her buttocks, I watched her strut over to my cheerleader sister fucked hard bathroom door. Damian entered the small room, taking notice of all the furnishings; there was king size bed against the far wall, covered in a black, silk cover, a wooden desk with a chair to the right side, and in the left corner there was a slightly open door, leading to a small bathroom. Just to make sure he moved his hips back so that the head of his cock, slick with her juices, was pressed squarely against her tight, fucking my usc cheerleader ass. I knew that the strong contractions of my ass around his cock as I orgasmed was triggering his own. Someone chubby with bad skin and a haircut his mother did at the kitchen table?