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He resisted only at first, worried he was leaning on her too hard, but then melted into her sweet, fruit gum flavoured mouth. I could feel my cock pressing into her through the sore pussy after sex wall where my fingers were sliding into her pussy. She was jerked sore pussy after sex back with those firm hands once again, pressed up against his body. Her pussy stretched to accommodate this massive invader causing spasms thru her entire body. I just love to heal sore pussy after sex your reaction, how you squirm, the things you say, its so fucking hot! Mickie shifted her weight forward pulling herself and sliding up his cock. The reason I gave Ricky – about not wanting to get pregnant? Tear apart my stockings, I told him, as I wanted my ass to be open for his touching. Her movements on the pole and on the ground got me so stirred throat sore after eating pussy that I almost came in my pants. I dont know if my lack of ball striking skills had anything to do with her, her looks, or her appearances in my fantasies with her and my wife, but I could scarcely concentrate. His finger was pumping and wiggling in her ass, his thumb dipping occasionally into her pussy. And its not like youve never eaten a load of cum before, Raina. He pulled her hair harder, pounding his cock up her slurping, sucking arsehole deeper. I linger there for a few seconds, kissing the skin, licking your muscles, nipping at you. So, hey, I know Sydney did a great job on the make-up and I look sexy as fuck in this get-up, but I assure you Im a dude.